Topics Abuse ECJ’s Google Shopping Judgment: The End of a Long SagaSignificant Changes to China’s Anti-Monopoly Law to Take Effect in August Antitrust New HSR Requirements Set to Become Effective on February 10, 2025ECJ’s Preliminary Ruling:’s parity clauses are not ancillary restraints Artificial Intelligence (AI) State Courts Dismiss Claims Involving the Use of Revenue Management Software in Residential Rental and Health Insurance IndustriesVestager outlines portfolio plans in European Parliament confirmation hearing Asia Competition Law Asia-Pacific Conference Banking & Finance The French Competition Authority gives its views on the competition issues arising from FintechThe European Commission publishes report on EU loan syndication and its impact on competition in credit markets Beverage & Confectionary German Federal Supreme Court confirms successor liability for coffee roasters in spite of corporate restructuring Brand German Bundeskartellamt’s Decision against Online Sales Restrictions by ASICS Ultimately ConfirmedLuxury Goods Manufacturers May Block Certain Online Sales on Third-Party Platforms Brand Building Covington's Net Neutrality and Zero-Rating WebinarASICS’ ONLINE SALES RESTRICTIONS CONFIRMED AS ILLEGAL BY DUESSELDORF HIGHER REGIONAL COURT Brexit The UK’s new subsidy control regime comes into forceUK Subsidy Control Bill granted Royal Assent Cartels ECJ clarifies presumption of innocence in hybrid investigations and scope of restrictions by object in information exchanges (HSBC v Commission)English High Court issues warning shot to cartel damages Claimants who delay Climate Change The Commission adopts its new Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (CEEAG)French Public and Administrative Authorities Take Action on Climate Change Competition New HSR Requirements Set to Become Effective on February 10, 2025FTC and DOJ Announce Final Rule Reshaping HSR Filing Requirements Competition Law State Courts Dismiss Claims Involving the Use of Revenue Management Software in Residential Rental and Health Insurance IndustriesThe UK’s New Digital Markets Regime: Some Key Takeaways Competition Law in Europe EDPB highlights the importance of cooperation between data protection and competition authoritiesECJ’s Preliminary Ruling:’s parity clauses are not ancillary restraints COVID 19 Amended GBER simplifies State aid rules for projects supporting the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemicCovington Helps Riga Airport Secure EC Recapitalization Approval Damages English High Court issues warning shot to cartel damages Claimants who delayThe CJEU’s Sumal Judgment: Parental Liability is “Going Down” Data Inside Privacy Audiocast: Episode 20 – Competition and Privacy Series: The EU's Digital Markets Act Data Privacy Is the U.S. Congress Preparing a “Tech Accountability” Package?Inside Privacy Audiocast: Episode 18 – Recent Developments in GDPR Enforcement Digital The French Competition Authority gives its views on the competition issues arising from FintechGermany: The wind of change - Substantial competition law amendments Digital Markets The 2024-2029 Commission Political Guidelines: Where Is Competition Policy Likely Headed?The UK’s New Digital Markets Regime: Some Key Takeaways Discrimination EU Court’s Analysis of “Competitive Disadvantage” in Rare Price Discrimination Case Dominance ECJ’s Google Shopping Judgment: The End of a Long SagaSignificant Changes to China’s Anti-Monopoly Law to Take Effect in August E-Commerce The revision of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation – What is likely to change?Vestager outlines portfolio plans in European Parliament confirmation hearing EMEA Tech Regulation Inside Privacy Audiocast: Episode 20 – Competition and Privacy Series: The EU's Digital Markets ActEuropean Parliament and Council strike the deal on the Digital Markets Act Energy & Environment Was 2023 a green antitrust year? Five sustainability related competition law developments you need to knowSustainability Agreements: Potential Divergence between Authorities Enforcement U.S. House of Representatives Passes Antitrust Legislative PackageEU General Court Upholds Tata Steel/thyssenkrupp JV Prohibition European Commission European Commission’s draft guidelines on Article 102 - webinar seriesECJ decides that EU Member States cannot refer below-threshold transactions to the European Commission (Illumina/Grail v Commission) European Union The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation – Outlook for the European Commission’s 2025-2029 MandateECJ decides that EU Member States cannot refer below-threshold transactions to the European Commission (Illumina/Grail v Commission) Fashion & Accessories CAT upholds Ping’s fine: lessons on online sales bansGerman Court sends online sales bans to ECJ Fines The EU Commission’s cartel fining challenges: a need to “re-fine” the method? Fintech The French Competition Authority gives its views on the competition issues arising from FintechThe ACM’s guidance to address competition law concerns for FinTech in the creation of technical standards Food & Drug Regulatory French Supreme Court upholds Sanofi’s generic denigration fineItaly’s AGCM Fines Aspen EUR 5 Million for Excessive Pricing Foreign Investment Outbound investment screening in the EU – A major step forward?Draft EU Screening Regulation – a new chapter for screening foreign direct investments in the EU Foreign Subsidies The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation – Outlook for the European Commission’s 2025-2029 MandateThe 2024-2029 Commission Political Guidelines: Where Is Competition Policy Likely Headed? Fragrances & Cosmetics German Court sends online sales bans to ECJ GDPR Inside Privacy Audiocast: Episode 18 – Recent Developments in GDPR Enforcement Germany FCO gives green light for ‘greener’ plant trays Horizontal agreements Was 2023 a green antitrust year? Five sustainability related competition law developments you need to knowSignificant Changes to China’s Anti-Monopoly Law to Take Effect in August Hub and Spoke State Courts Dismiss Claims Involving the Use of Revenue Management Software in Residential Rental and Health Insurance IndustriesThe (Developing) History of Cartels - A Conceptual Waterloo Internet of Things (IoT) The European Commission launches an antitrust sector inquiry into the sector of Internet of Things for consumer-related devices and servicesThe CMA’s Paper on Pricing Algorithms, Collusion and Personalised Pricing Investigations Advanced Competition Law Conference Brussels – Joint Presentation on Recent EU Cartel EnforcementAdvanced Competition Law Conference London – Joint Presentation on Recent EU Cartel Enforcement IP Protection 12th Annual Georgetown Global Antitrust Enforcement Symposium - Debating the Latest Issues with Covington's Johan Ysewyn and Jim O’ConnellThe EU Commission Communication on SEPs: a workable resolution to patent wars in the EU, or more competition litigation battles ahead? Land Agreements Land agreements rise up the CMA’s agenda Medicinal Products Federal Trade Commission asserts significant anticompetitive harms in Interim Staff Report on the pharmacy benefit manager industryThe CJEU’s Lundbeck judgment Mergers New HSR Requirements Set to Become Effective on February 10, 2025FTC and DOJ Announce Final Rule Reshaping HSR Filing Requirements Music European Commission approval of Sony's EMI takeoverApple / Shazam: Determining the value of data in merger cases National Security Outbound investment screening in the EU – A major step forward?GAO Recommends Increased Guidance for DOD Mergers & Acquisitions Review Pharmaceutical Companies Federal Trade Commission asserts significant anticompetitive harms in Interim Staff Report on the pharmacy benefit manager industryThe CJEU’s Lundbeck judgment Privacy & Data Security EDPB highlights the importance of cooperation between data protection and competition authoritiesInside Privacy Audiocast: Episode 20 – Competition and Privacy Series: The EU's Digital Markets Act private investor test Application of the private investor test in State aid cases: lessons from the EDF saga Regulation UK FDI: Decision-making practice emerging under the National Security and Investment ActSignificant Changes to China’s Anti-Monopoly Law to Take Effect in August Retail The French Competition Authority’s first merger prohibitionSights on Online Search Advertising: FTC Finds Practices by 1-800 Contacts to Unlawfully Harm Competition and Restrict the Availability of Truthful Advertising to Consumers Signalling The (Developing) History of Cartels - A Conceptual Waterloo Standard essential patents Draft Regulation - The EU Commission Proposes a new Framework for the Licensing of Standard Essential Patents (“SEPs”) State Aid State aid – Outlook for the European Commission’s 2025-2029 MandateThe 2024-2029 Commission Political Guidelines: Where Is Competition Policy Likely Headed? Supply Chain The revision of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation – What is likely to change?IoT Update: BEREC launches public consultation on the ‘Data Economy’ Sustainability FCO gives green light for ‘greener’ plant traysWas 2023 a green antitrust year? Five sustainability related competition law developments you need to know Taxation The GC’s rulings in Fiat and Starbucks : a green light with a warningVestager outlines portfolio plans in European Parliament confirmation hearing Technology State Courts Dismiss Claims Involving the Use of Revenue Management Software in Residential Rental and Health Insurance IndustriesECJ’s Google Shopping Judgment: The End of a Long Saga Telecommunications The General Court Annuls the Commission’s Decision to Block the Acquisition of Telefónica UK by Hutchison 3G UK – a Landmark Judgment for EU Merger Control?The French telecoms regulator has entered the fray “prevailing digital platform” Uncategorized European Court of Justice clarifies scope of protection against double jeopardy in successive antitrust investigationsThe General Court offers useful guidance to interpret the “one time, last time” principle when granting restructuring aid Unfair competition law U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee To Consider Legislation On Unfair Competition in App Market United Kingdom Towards a More Interactive Merger Review Process: UK CMA Proposes AmendmentsThe UK’s new subsidy control regime comes into force US Competition law FTC Brings First Robinson-Patman Act Case in More Than Two DecadesD.C. District Court Finds Google Monopolized Online Search Text Ads Markets Vertical agreements ECJ’s Preliminary Ruling:’s parity clauses are not ancillary restraintsSignificant Changes to China’s Anti-Monopoly Law to Take Effect in August